Staying safe and healthy - 2
21st March 2020
Dear Friends,
The world continues to face the effects of the Coronavirus. We have to take precautions, individually, and as a community. The Government is doing its best to tell us, that 'social distancing' is the best way to halt the spread of the virus. Let us do our very best to work towards that goal.
The Government has requisitioned some of the rooms in our hostel for quarantining class C people. We all have to do our bit, and put our best foot forward in this fight against the spread of the virus. The hostel staff responded by saying that they were proud to serve the country in this manner. That is the spirit!!
At the same time, I visited the K J Somaiya Hospital and the K J Somaiya College of Physiotherapy last week. At both places, I found our staff welcoming and treating patients. I want to salute all our staff (Doctors, Nurses, faculty, ward staff and all others) who are working at the frontlines and are ready to serve our communities who are at risk. And they are doing so by putting public health above their own. When our Prime Minister has requested all of us to get out on our balconies at 5 pm tomorrow, to clap our hands or ring bells, I hope everyone of you will do this, and as we clap, let us remember these faces, faces we know, and faces we do not know, from food providers, security staff, administrative staff, cleaning and housekeeping staff, nurses, doctors, and countless others who are ensuring our health. आप सबको हमारा सलाम।
Going further, I was asked by the ATE Chandra Foundation and Bain Capital, and they said they would help provide additional ventilators in our ICU. And that, we would need them, in case we would be called upon to treat those patients needing critical care. Post our conversation, they have promptly arranged for 5 additional ventilators for our ICU. They are thinking ahead and helping us to be better prepared to receive those needing care. Similarly, the Inner Wheel Club of the Rotary Club Queen's Necklace also gifted us a Ventilator for the Paediatric ICU and a monitor for the ENT department.
This is in addition to the Rotary clubs who have been helping us year after year, in meeting our needs to serve our community. Last week, we got a Mammography machine from the Rotary Club of Mumbai Queen's Necklace.
When Shri K J Somaiya founded the Girivanvasi Pragati Mandal to support the education, healthcare and development of those unserved, he chose 'न मानुषात् परो धर्म ' as his motto. There is no religion greater than service to humanity. The people I have talked about above are living that religion. Let us do so too.
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